Power of Vulnerability

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The Power of Vulnerability

In partnership with Gallery 1202 in Gilroy, California, Tessera Arts Collective has curated an exhibition that centers the perspectives of LBGTQ visual artists.

"All art is a kind of confession, more or less oblique. All artists, if they are to survive, are forced at last, to tell the whole story; to vomit the anguish up."

- James Baldwin

 What does it mean to reject the myth of vulnerability as weakness and instead embrace it, as Baldwin suggests, as a truth telling or testimony? What do we risk in exposing the fragile pieces of ourselves we have always protected or hidden away? In what way is essential for connection, creativity, and survival?

 For the exhibition "The Power of Vulnerability", we celebrate artwork that takes a nuanced approach to exploring the role of personal vulnerability as a site for love, growth, liberation, and transformation. 

Featured Artists:

Jay Katelansky

Calvin Coloma

T. Jay Santa Ana

Vanessa Wallace-Gonzalez

Brannon Rockwell-Charland Cook

Lee Oscar Gomez